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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Wales / Cymru

International Awards

Monday, 7 January, 2013 - 00:00 to Saturday, 26 January, 2013 - 00:00
Wales / Cymru

These awards aim to raise the profile and reward achievement and excellence in the teaching of global citizenship, foreign languages and the international dimension in Welsh education. They recognise and acknowledge international work and best practice taking place in schools and colleges across Wales.

The awards recognise not only best practice in working internationally but also the whole school/college/community involvement that such projects can lead to.


The award categories for 2012-13 are:

The CILT Cymru Award: Best Use Of Modern Foreign Languages To Enhance The International Dimension

This award will demonstrate innovation and how the inclusion of foreign langauges has enhanced students’ understanding and work within the International Dimension.


The ‘Newcomer’ Award: For Schools/Colleges new to international work

This award will celebrate schools that have just begun to use the International Dimension to engage learners and practitioners, providing high quality learning opportunties that contribute to making progress in changing perceptions of young people towards different cultures.


Using the International Dimension to improve School/College effectiveness

This award will celebrate schools and colleges that have used the International Dimension in Education to establish a culture that focuses on continuous improvement, engaging leaders and practitioners at all levels, enabling them to be key players with other schools, colleges and organisations.


The Colegau Cymru/Colleges Wales International Award

This award recognises the endeavours of colleges to enrich their teaching and learning experiences through adding an international dimension to the curriculum


Applications are open to all schools and colleges across Wales. The application form can be found here and must be submitted to by the deadline of 25th January 2013.


The Awards Ceremony will take place during the week commencing 18th March and further details will be available as the programme is confirmed.


‘This project is part of the International Educational Programme (IEP) and is funded by the Welsh Government and implemented by the British Council. It covers primary, further education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) in a formal and non-formal capacity, to deliver a wide range of international educational opportunities for the benefit of professionals and young people in Wales.’

Cystadleuaeth y Spelling Bee 2012-2013

Wednesday, 26 September, 2012 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 31 July, 2013 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Mae Cystadleuaeth Y Spelling Bee 2012-2013 wedi ei lansio.


Er mwyn cofrestri, llenwch y dudalen gofrestri a’i ddanfon yn ôl at dîm Llwybrau at Ieithoedd Cymru, 245 Rhodfa’r Gorllewin, Caerdydd CF5 2YX. Gallwch lawr lwytho’r ffurflen gofrestri drwy glicio yma.

Gall lawrlwytho’r Pecyn Athrawon, sy’n cynnwys manylion pellach ynglŷn â’r gystadleuaeth ynghyd a dyddiadau pwysig, trwy glicio yma.

Mae modd lawrlwytho’r geiriau o’n tudalen adnoddau ar ein gwefan.

Roedd cystadleuaeth llynedd yn wych, fe gawsom lawer o hwyl yn y cystadlaethau Rhanbarthol. Cynhaliwyd y Rownd Derfynol yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn Aberystwyth ac roedd safon y sillafu'r un mor uchel os nad yn uwch na safon y flwyddyn gynt. Mae canlyniadau’r gystadleuaeth ar gael yma, neu os hoffech weld lluniau o’r digwyddiad, cliciwch yma.

Gobeithiwn y bydd hyd yn oed mwy o ysgolion yn ymuno â ni eleni, peidiwch ag oedi, cofrestrwch nawr.


Nodwch - mae’r geiriau yma yn unigryw i’r gystadleuaeth yng Nghymru ac eleni mae’r geiriau yn gwbl newydd. Lawr lwythwch y rhestr newydd o eiriau o’n gwefan. Peidiwch â defnyddio adnoddau o’r blynyddoedd blaenorol.

Am wybodaeth ynghylch y gystadleuaeth yn Lloegr, cliciwch yma -

Spelling Bee Competition 2012-2013

Wednesday, 26 September, 2012 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 31 July, 2013 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

The Spelling Bee Competition 2012-2013 has now been officially launched.

To register, please fill in the registration form and return it to the Routes into Language Cymru team at 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YX You can download the registration form by clicking here.

The Teacher’s Pack, which gives you more information about the competition and key dates, can be downloaded by clicking here.

Words can be downloaded from the resource page of our website.

The competition last year was brilliant and we all had lots of fun at the Regional Competitions. The National Final was held at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth and the extremely high standard of spelling which had been set the previous year was maintained. The results from the competition can be found by clicking here, or if you’d rather see the photographs from the event, click here.

We hope that even more schools will join us in the competition this year, don’t hesitate, and register now.


Please note – the word lists for the competition are exclusive to the competition in Wales and this year are new. Please download these new word lists from our website. Do not use the resources from previous years.

For information about the competition in England, click here -

Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol y 'Spelling Bee' i Flwyddyn 7 2012-2013

Tuesday, 31 July, 2012 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 26 September, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Bydd Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol y 'Spelling Bee'  i Flwyddyn 7 2012-2013 yn cael ei lansio ar y Diwrnod Ewropeaidd ar gyfer Ieithoedd.

I gofrestru, llenwch y ffurflen gofrestru. Gallwch lawrlwytho’r ffurflen gofrestru gan glicio yma.

Bydd y rhestrau geiriau a'r rheolau ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth eleni ar gael ar 26 Medi 2012.

National Year 7 Spelling Bee Competition 2012-2013

Tuesday, 31 July, 2012 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 26 September, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

The National Year 7 Spelling Competition for 2012-2013 will be launched on the European Day of Languages.

If you would like to register to be a part of this competition, you can download the resgistration from here.

This year's word lists and rules will be released on 26 September 2012.

E-bostiwch eich lluniau atom ni... byddwch yn rhan o’n taith o amgylch gwyliau Cymru yr haf hwn!

Friday, 11 May, 2012 - 01:00 to Saturday, 1 September, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

E-bostiwch eich lluniau atom... byddwch yn rhan o’n taith o amgylch gwyliau Cymru'r haf hwn.

Bydd ein masgot Rwy’n caru ieithoedd... ydych chi? yn ymweld â sawl gŵyl ar hyd a lled Cymru. Dewch i gael eich llun wedi tynnu gydag ef!

E-bostiwch eich lluniau at ac fe wnawn eu lan-lwytho i’n tudalen FLICKR.


T&A Wrth ddanfon eich llun rydych yn rhoi caniatâd i ni i’w ddefnyddio ar dudalen Flickr Llwybrau at Ieithoedd ac ar wefan Llwybrau at Ieithoedd. Ni fyddwn yn defnyddio’r llun am unrhyw reswm arall oni bai ein bod yn gofyn am ganiatâd pellach gennych.


Email your photographs to us... be a part of our summer festival tour!

Our I love you? mascot will be attending many events across Wales this summer. We would love to capture your snaps with him.

Please email your photographs to and we will upload them to our FLICKR page.

T&C By providing your photograph you are giving us permission to use the image on the Routes into Languages Flickr page and the Routes into Languages website. The image will not be used by us for any other purpose unless further permission from you has been sought.


Email your photographs to us... be a part of our summer festival tour!

Friday, 11 May, 2012 - 01:00 to Saturday, 1 September, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Our I love you? mascot will be attending many events across Wales this summer. We would love to capture your snaps with him.

Please email your photographs to and we will upload them to our FLICKR page.

T&C By providing your photograph you are giving us permission to use the image on the Routes into Languages Flickr page and the Routes into Languages website. The image will not be used by us for any other purpose unless further permission from you has been sought.




E-bostiwch eich lluniau atom... byddwch yn rhan o’n taith o amgylch gwyliau Cymru'r haf hwn.

Bydd ein masgot Rwy’n caru ieithoedd... ydych chi? yn ymweld â sawl gŵyl ar hyd a lled Cymru. Dewch i gael eich llun wedi tynnu gydag ef!

E-bostiwch eich lluniau at ac fe wnawn eu lan-lwytho i’n tudalen FLICKR.


T&A Wrth ddanfon eich llun rydych yn rhoi caniatâd i ni i’w ddefnyddio ar dudalen Flickr Llwybrau at Ieithoedd ac ar wefan Llwybrau at Ieithoedd. Ni fyddwn yn defnyddio’r llun am unrhyw reswm arall oni bai ein bod yn gofyn am ganiatâd pellach gennych.

Cyfle am Gyllideb

Friday, 21 October, 2011 - 01:00 to Friday, 20 July, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Yma yn Llwybrau at Ieithoedd Cymru rydym yn ymwybodol fod y nifer o ddisgyblion sy’n dewis ITM ar gyfer CA4 a thu hwnt yn gostwng. Rydym ni yma i wneud popeth y gallwn i helpu newid y sefyllfa ac i ddangos i bobl ifanc y pwysigrwydd o allu siarad iaith arall.

Gwyddom fod athrawon eisoes yn gweithio’n galed iawn i hyrwyddo dysgu ieithoedd, a hoffwn i gael y disgyblion yn rhan o hyn hefyd. Pwy allai fod yn well yn hyrwyddo ieithoedd o fewn yr ysgol/coleg na’r disgyblion sydd wedi dewis eu hastudio yn barod?

Mae cyllideb ar gael gan Lwybrau Cymru i gefnogi ysgolion i gynnwys pobl ifanc mewn prosiectau a fydd yn codi proffil ITM ac yn cynorthwyo i godi nifer y disgyblion sy’n dewis ieithoedd yn eu hysgolion/colegau.

I drafod prosiectau posib neu am wybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â thîm Llwybrau Cymru ar neu 029 2026 5410.

Os hoffech weld enghreifftiau o brosiectau sydd wedi cael eu hariannu gennym, cliciwch yma.


Opportunity for Funding

Friday, 21 October, 2011 - 01:00 to Friday, 20 July, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Here at Routes Cymru we are aware of the declining numbers of pupils opting to take an MFL at KS4 and beyond. We are here to do everything we can to help change this situation and to show young people the importance of being able to speak another language.

We know that teachers are already working very hard to promote language learning, and we want to get the pupils involved too. Who could be better at promoting languages within the school/college than the pupils who have already opted to study them?

Routes Cymru has funding available to support schools in involving young people in projects that will raise the profile of MFL and help increase the take-up of languages in their schools/colleges.


To discuss potential projects or for more information, please contact the Routes Cymru team on or 029 2026 5410.

To view examples of projects we have funded, please click here.

Cystadleuaeth 'Spelling Bee' Genedlaethol i Flwyddyn 7 2011-2012

Thursday, 29 September, 2011 - 01:00 to Wednesday, 11 July, 2012 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Fel rhan o’n dathliadau ar gyfer y Flwyddyn Ewropeaidd ar gyfer ieithoedd, rydym yn lansio Cystadleuaeth 'Spelling Bee' Genedlaetholi Flwyddyn 7 eleni. Bydd y gystadleuaeth unwaith eto ar agor i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 7 sy’n dysgu Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Sbaeneg a Chymraeg 2il Iaith.

I gofrestru, llenwch y ffurflen gofrestru a dychwelwch hi i dîm Llwybrau at Ieithoedd Cymru yn 245 Rhodfa’r Gorllewin, Caerdydd, CF5 2YX Gallwch lawrlwytho’r ffurflen gofrestru gan glicio yma.

Bydd y Pecyn i Athrawon, sy’n rhoi rhagor o wybodaeth i chi ynglŷn â’r gystadleuaeth a dyddiadau allweddol, ar gael i’w lawrlwytho gan glicio yma.

Gellir lawrlwytho'r geiriau o dudalen adnoddau’r wefan. Yma gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i’r PowerPoints ar gyfer ymarfer.

Cawsom lawr o hwyl yn rhedeg y gystadleuaeth hon eleni a chafodd y disgyblion a gymerodd ran hwyl hefyd yn ogystal â gwella eu geirfa a sillafu yn aruthrol mewn iaith newydd. Gobeithiwn y gallwn weithio gyda hyd yn oed fwy o ysgolion eleni er mwyn cael cystadleuaeth mor gyffrous ag y bo modd!

