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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Wales / Cymru

Adopt a Class 2014-2015

Monday, 28 April, 2014 - 01:00 to Friday, 25 September, 2015 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru


The idea behind the award-winning ‘Adopt a Class’ scheme is to buddy a language undergraduate, who is about to embark on their year abroad, with a year 8 class during the final term of the academic year. The student visits the school during this term to meet the class and talk about what it is like to study languages, their experiences with languages so far and how they have opened doors to them. The student then goes on their year abroad and keeps in regular contact with the class (now in year 9) by emailing, sending postcards, sending resources and writing blogs etc.


This contact with the country brings the language alive for the pupils and shows them the relevance of learning a language. The teacher and student discuss beforehand any special topics that might be studied so that relevant resources can be sent back. Following their return, the student then re-visits the class (now in year 10) to talk about their experiences and to answer any questions that the pupils may have. The hope is that this enthuses the pupils and encourages them to choose a language at GCSE level. Also, all correspondence will come through the teacher so the student and pupils will never be in direct contact.


We currently have 9 students linked with 9 schools in South Wales and many more linked with schools in North and Mid-Wales.


If you are interested in this scheme or any other that we run please contact Ani Saunders:


Tel: 029 20265408

Cystadleuaeth Farddoni Amlieithog Mamiaith Ail Iaith 2014

Friday, 28 February, 2014 - 00:00 to Friday, 23 May, 2014 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

Rydym yn llawn cyffro i lansio ein cystadleuaeth farddoni amlieithog, Mamiaith Ail Iaith 2014, mewn partneriaeth â Prifysgol Caerdydd, Llyfrgell Caerdydd, Wyas of Sieeng a Gwasg Prifysgol Rhydychen. Bydd y gystadleuaeth yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ledled y wlad ddathlu ieithoedd eu cartref ynghyd â bod yn greadigol gyda’r ieithoedd eraill maen nhw’n eu dysgu yn yr ysgol.



Sut i ymgeisio

Taflen cyflwyno cynigion

Poster i’w ddefnyddio i hyrwyddo

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cynigion yw dydd Gwener, 23 Mai 2014.



Am wybodaeth bellach neu i drefnu gweithdy ysgrifennu creadigol yn eich ysgol chi, cysylltwch â ni:
029 2026 5408


Gyda’n gilydd, fe wnawn ni godi proffil ieithoedd ac annog pobl ifanc i ymfalchïo mewn bod yn amlieithog.


Mother Tongue Other Tongue Multilingual Poetry Competition 2014

Friday, 28 February, 2014 - 00:00 to Friday, 23 May, 2014 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru

We are very excited to launch our multi-lingual poetry competition Mother Tongue Other Tongue 2014 in partnership with Cardiff University, Cardiff Library, Wyas of Sieeng and Oxford University Press. This will give young people across the country the opportunity to celebrate their home languages and also to get creative in other languages they are learning at school. Please find all relevant links below:


How to enter

Entry Cover sheet

Poster to be used for promotion


The closing date for entries is Friday, 23rd May 2014.


For more information or to arrange a creative writing workshop at your school contact:
029 2026 5408


Together we will raise the profile of languages and encourage young people to feel proud of being multi-lingual.



South Wales Regional Final of the Spelling Bee 2014

Wednesday, 2 April, 2014 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru
Bryngwyn Comprehensive School

                                                                                                                                                                                                      The South Wales Regional Final of the Spelling Bee Competition will be held at Bryngwyn Comprehensive School on 2nd April 2014. Further details to follow.

Mabwysiadu Dosbarth 2013-2014

Monday, 15 April, 2013 - 01:00 to Friday, 26 September, 2014 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru


Bwriad y cynllun 'Mabwysiadu Dosbarth', sydd eisoes wedi ennill gwobr, yw creu cyswllt rhwng myfyriwr israddedig, sydd ar fun mynd ar ei blwyddyn dramor, a dosbarth o ddisgyblion blwyddyn 8 yn ystod tymor olaf y flwyddyn academaidd. Bydd y myfyriwr yn ymweld â'r dosbarth i wneud sgwrs ac i drafod pwysigrwydd ieithoedd, eu profiadau gydag ieithoedd a'r cyfleoedd maent wedi cael o ganlyniad i'w sgiliau iaith. Yna fe fydd y myfyriwr yn mynd ar ei blwyddyn dramor ac yn cadw cysylltiad rheolaidd gyda'r dosbarth (erbyn hyn ym mlwyddyn 9) trwy ddanfon e-byst, cardiau post, adnoddau a thrwy ysgrifennu blogiau ayyb.


Mae'r cyswllt hwn gyda gwlad dramor yn dod a'r iaith yn fyw i'r disgyblion ac yn dangos iddynt hwy bwysigrwydd dysgu iaith. Cyn ymadael, mae'r myfyriwr yn trafod gyda'r athro unrhyw bynciau penodol fydd yn cael eu hastudio fel bod yr adnoddau a ddanfonir yn berthnasol. Wedi dychwelyd mi fydd y myfyriwr yn ymweld â'r dosbarth (nawr ym mlwyddyn 10) i drafod eu profiadau ac i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau. Mae'n bwysig nodi hefyd y bydd yr holl gyfathrebu yn digwydd rhwng yr athro a'r myfyriwr, ni fydd y myfyrwyr fyth mewn cyswllt uniongyrchol gyda'r disgyblion.


Ar hyn o bryd mae yna 8 o fyfyrwyr mewn cysylltiad ag 8 o ysgol De Cymru ac mae yna lawer mwy hefyd yng Nghanolbarth a Gogledd Cymru.


Os oes gennych unrhyw ddiddordeb yn y cynllun yma neu unrhyw un arall, cysylltwch ag Ani Saunders:


Ffôn: 029 20265408

Adopt a Class 2013-2014

Monday, 15 April, 2013 - 01:00 to Friday, 26 September, 2014 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru


The idea behind the award-winning ‘Adopt a Class’ scheme is to buddy a language undergraduate, who is about to embark on their year abroad, with a year 8 class during the final term of the academic year. The student visits the school during this term to meet the class and talk about what it is like to study languages, their experiences with languages so far and how they have opened doors to them. The student then goes on their year abroad and keeps in regular contact with the class (now in year 9) by emailing, sending postcards, sending resources and writing blogs etc.


This contact with the country brings the language alive for the pupils and shows them the relevance of learning a language. The teacher and student discuss beforehand any special topics that might be studied so that relevant resources can be sent back. Following their return, the student then re-visits the class (now in year 10) to talk about their experiences and to answer any questions that the pupils may have. The hope is that this enthuses the pupils and encourages them to choose a language at GCSE level. Also, all correspondence will come through the teacher so the student and pupils will never be in direct contact.


We currently have 8 students linked with 8 schools in South Wales and many more linked with schools in North and Mid-Wales.


If you are interested in this scheme or any other that we run please contact Ani Saunders:


Tel: 029 20265408

Lansiad Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol y Spelling Bee 2014 ac Adnodd Newydd

Thursday, 26 September, 2013 - 01:00 to Friday, 18 July, 2014 - 01:00
Wales / Cymru


Heddiw rydym yn lansio Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol y Spelling Bee ble gwelir disgyblion blwyddyn 7 dros Gymru gyfan yn cystadlu yn Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Sbaeneg a Chymraeg Ail Iaith gyda'r nod o ennill teitl Pencampwr y Spelling Bee Cenedlaethol 2014. Mae'n hynod o gyffrous eleni gan fod yna amrywiaeth o adnoddau i gefnogi'r myfyrwyr sy’n astudio'r ieithoedd yma ac yn cymryd rhan yng Nghystadleuaeth Genedlaethol y Spelling Bee wedi cael eu datblygu ac fe ellir gweld y rhain ar Wefan Newydd y Spelling Bee.


Fei crëwyd gan Adran Adnoddau Addysgol CBAC ar gyfer Llwybrau at Ieithoedd Cymru. Maent yn cynnwys gweithgareddau i ddysgu’r wyddor yn yr iaith darged, gemau geiriau a phrofion sillafu gyda’r nod o wella sillafi, annog ynganiad cywir a chodi hyder. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae yna adran ble y gall myfyrwyr ymarfer fel petaent yn y gystadleuaeth.


I gofrestri, ewch at yr Adnoddau a Dogfennau i Athrawon a dewisiwch Ffurflen Gofrestru'r Spelling Bee 2013-14. Danfonwch eich ffurflenni at:


Cystadleuaeth y Spelling Bee 2013/2014
Llwybrau at Ieithoedd Cymru
245 Rhodfa'r Gorllewin
Caerdydd CF5 2YX

Facs: 029 2026 5411

