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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Breakthrough A2 event (Year 12 Cultural Awareness Day)

Thursday, 30 June, 2016 - 00:00
Event Type: 
West Midlands
University of Warwick

Breakthrough A2 event (Year 12 Cultural Awareness Day)  – Thursday 30th June 2016

The purpose of the day is to provide your Year 12 students of French, German and Spanish with an insight into the wider aspects of studying a language in preparation for their A2 study of a cultural topic

Each session will consist of a short lecture followed by some language based analysis of a text, historical period, film or song before the students are given the opportunity to produce their own responses to the things that they have seen and heard. They will also have the chance to work with, and ask questions to, current language undergraduates at the University.

Teachers can book on to the event by sending an email to Annunziata Videtta specifying how many teacher/student places they would like and for which language stream (French, German or Spanish).

For Year 12 students who would like to attend unaccompanied, there will be a minibus shuttle service leaving Coventry Rail Station at 9.30am and returning at 3pm.

Teachers who don't have access to a school minibus can also take advantage of the minibus service. There will be a student ambassador at the station ready to welcome students and teachers and take them to the minibus.

Student feedback from previous Cultural Awareness Days

The day was very useful as it helped me to decide that I want to study at university.

The day was really enjoyable and I got a good insight into studying languages at university.

I enjoyed meeting and working with people from other schools and it was great working with the student ambassadors

The whole event was very eye opening – I would definitely recommend it

It was fun and it’s made me more determined to go to university

Booking information: 

These events are designed to motivate and encourage your most able linguists and give them the opportunity to practise and extend their language skills.

We hope to see you at one or more of our events on campus this year. There is no charge for the events; however you will need to make your own way to and from campus.

If you have any questions or would like to book places on any of these events then please email