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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Free foreign languages newspapers available!

West Midlands

Are you looking for ways to encourage your pupils to read more foreign language materials? Are you trying to find authentic resources without spending a fortune?


The School of Languages and Social Sciences at Aston University currently subscribes to major foreign language newspapers such as El Pais, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Le Monde which are made available for undergraduate students in the Learning Resource Centre. New editions of the newspapers are received regularly and only the latest editions stay in the Resource Centre with old ones stripped away fairly regularly and placed in recycling.


Many of us use online resources and of course all of the newspapers have websites, but some of you may find having the papers useful and so we can recycle them in a different way! You may wish to have them available for older or G+T students to take away, or read as and when they like, or they might be useful to use in class. Even for your younger students – to use as a prop or show them what really appears on the news stands in foreign countries.


Naturally this has proved very popular so far, so we cannot offer a regular delivery of very recent newspapers but what we can do is offer slightly out of date papers once or twice a term, completely free of charge (and always will be). Once you receive the papers, they are yours to keep and use as you wish.


If you would be interested in receiving newspapers, please contact us at letting us know your name, school address and which languages you teach. These are useful resources which we would rather make use of than get rid of so please sign up if you can see ways you can use them!