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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

The European Children’s Travelling Language Library

West Midlands

Eurolib is a European Union funded education project. It is targeted at motivating children in their first year of learning a foreign language, to:

¬ Expose them to the rich heritage of European languages and cultures
¬ Be motivated to learn languages
¬ Build a love of reading as the best form of autonomous lifelong learning
¬ Reinforce emerging literacy
Travelling libraries of beautifully illustrated children's books in six European languages (English, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Czech and Finnish) will travel from school to school across Europe. Each school keeps the library for a period and has to carry out a number of educational and collaborative activities before, during, and after the visit of the Library.


Initial piloting of the project has been hugely successful with the children pleading to take the library books home.


Booking the Library
If you are involved in a school or education in the UK, you can now book a visit of the library to your school by completing the ‘Get Involved’ form on the website. There is no charge during the life of the project.

You can also join the community on Facebook were you can find updates about the project and join in discussions. Join here .


Global Association
Schools in other countries will be able to use the library by helping to form Eurolib networks in their countries. These will be part of a World Association that will be formed at the end of the project. If you are interested in using the Eurolib in your country please get in touch via the ‘Get Involved’ form.