We are planning the publication of a selection of case studies showcasing the excellent and inspiring work of language teachers, academics and practitioners in the area of employability for language graduates. This collection will form a snapshot of good practice and show the outcomes of recent projects and debates in the area of employability. Case studies will accompany articles from invited contributors describing a variety of personal experiences in the area.
This open access e-book will be freely available for download and will be aimed at practitioners in secondary and tertiary education. The focus of the book will be around practical experience ‘in the field’ and reflective practice, rather than research.
Possible themes include:
· Projects in the area of employability for languages
· Engaging in embedding employability as part of the languages curriculum
· Transition from education to the job market
· Language skills as part of the 21st century graduate curriculum
· Schemes supporting employability
· Technology for employability
We anticipate case studies to be no more than3000 words and we will issue a template to all accepted authors to work to, which is likely to include Context/rationale, aims/outcomes, what you did, evaluation/impact and conclusion.
Please, send your expression of interest in electronic form to the co-editors Erika Corradini, Kate Borthwick and Angela Gallagher-Brett at llas@soton.ac.uk including the word ‘ebook employability’ in the subject field.
The deadline for expressions of interest (max 350 words) has been extended to Monday 12 October 2015 - 16.00hrs.