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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Year 12 Summer Study Day

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Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 - 00:00
Event Type: 
South East
University of Southampton, Avenue Campus

There are 3 events in the year for Year 12 students to think about studying languages at university. There are sessions on cultural topics, grammar and speaking in French, German or Spanish, plus the chance to do an ab initio session in another language (such as Chinese or Portuguese). There will also be a student panel session, where your students can ask our students about studying languages at university, and find out first-hand about the year abroad etc.

The dates are:

Autumn - Tuesday 5th November

Spring - Tuesday 21st January

Summer - Wednesday 18th June


These events will run from 9.30am-3.00pm.



Schools/colleges can attend one out of the 3 events in the year.

Events can be attended by just the students, but you must advise us in advance if this will be the case.


Lunch is NOT provided for students on the day.

There will be a short teacher forum on the day, to discuss how the university’s languages staff can support you and languages at your school/college.

Bookings are only confirmed on receipt of the booking form and a confirmation email being sent back to you.


Booking forms should be returned to Zena Hilton or Marie Weaver at