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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

World Languages Immersion Week

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Tuesday, 30 June, 2009 - 11:00 to Thursday, 9 July, 2009 - 16:00
Event Type: 
SOAS - School of Oriental and African Studies

The Languages Immersion week is a four day immersion language programme, and is being offered for two languages, Urdu and Turkish.

Each day, the programme will consist of language classes in the morning and group work in the afternoon. There will also be sessions exploring Pakistani and Turkish history, music, and business. For the group work, participants will be given a choice of project titles and work together with SOAS students to prepare a presentation in whatever format they chose. The presentation will be delivered on the last day. Students will also receive information about studying languages at universities as well as about other language qualifications.

The aims of the week are to give speakers of these languages the opportunity to develop their written skills, to raise the profile of world languages in general, and to provide young speakers of world languages the chance to explore cultural-political-historical topics related to Urdu and Turkish.

The students
The students should be Urdu or Turkish speakers, in years 9 to 11. Priority should be given to those who would be the first generation in their family to attend University. This is a widening participation event forming part of the Capital L-Routes into Languages project.

The deadline for submitting an application is the 1st of May and there are 30 places for Turkish speakers and 30 for Urdu.





Due to the planned tube strikes the SOAS Immersion Week has been postponed! 

The turkish Immersion week will now take palce between Tuesday 30 June - Friday 3 July 

The Urdu immersion week will take place between Monday 6 July - Thursday 9 July