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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Language Immersion Saturdays - Providing a head start with languages

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Saturday, 27 February, 2010 - 00:00 to Saturday, 20 March, 2010 - 00:00
University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW

Westminster’s Language immersion Saturdays have been designed to help GCSE and A Level students develop their language ability and gain more practical expertise in the language they are studying.

Languages covered are French, german or Spanish (at gCSE, AS and A2 level) and italian (at gCSE level).

The events are part of the routes into Languages initiative and are hosted by the department of Modern and Applied Languages.

● Each level will be offered over two half days (Saturdays, 9.45am – 2.15pm, 27th Feb+13th March and 6th March+20th March)
● For each level, the first Saturday will focus on listening and speaking, the second Saturday will focus on reading and writing
● Each session will look at common grammar points, vocabulary expansion and practical language use, such as role plays, debates, comprehension tasks or writing in context
● These events are hands on sessions, giving you an opportunity to work with languages in real life situations and practise key skills
●Bookings will be taken strictly on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, and numbers per group/level are strictly limited to 15 students
●Please note that if you are interested in booking a place on one of these two day events, you will need to commit yourself to the two days.

Please note: This year, we will also be running our popular four day A Level language workshops from 6 – 9 April 2010.
Our new Saturday events are not replacing these, but aim to give students extra language exposure.

For informal queries, contact Dr Manuela von papen by email ONLY:

or check the website at: