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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

GCSE Polish Immersion Course

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Wednesday, 14 April, 2010 - 01:00 to Friday, 16 April, 2010 - 01:00
UCL, London

The GCSE Polish immersion course is aimed at school students who would like to take GCSE Polish in 2010 but have not been able to receive any formal tuition.

You will be encouraged to improve the four central language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing, as well as
your examination-taking skills. You will be given past papers and specially tailored practice material to help build your skills and experience.

Additionally, participants will be invited to a careers session involving professionals, who will speak about the advantage of a good foreign language competence as an asset to enhancing your employment prospects.

How to apply
Please complete the application form. Parent/guardian to complete one section, then teachers to complete the reference section.
The application needs to be accompanied by a deposit of £30 to reserve a place (cheques to be made out to UCL). The deposit will be refunded to the participants at the end of the course. If a student is accepted but fails to attend the course, the deposit will not be refunded.

The deadline for applications is Friday 26 March 2010.

Further information
For more information, please contact Ewa Kedzierska:
TEL +44 (0)20 7679 8772