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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Games Localisation Workshop

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Wednesday, 18 November, 2009 - 00:00
Event Type: 
University of Westminster

Do you enjoy playing computer games? Are you studying languages? If so, this workshop on video games localisation might be right up your street.

To find out more about what it means to be a games localiser, come to our half-day workshop. There are 25 places for Y12 pupils ONLY and a light finger lunch will be served.



• Welcome and questions about languages being learned and spoken, experience of playing games in English and other languages, and favourite games.
• Introduction to the concept of video games localisation: what it is, the state of the industry, the people involved and the work opportunities in the industry for people with language skills.
• Brief explanation about what being a video games localiser entails, and the sort of challenges that localisers face.
• Demonstration of badly localised games, and of successfully localised ones, so that you can observe the impact this has on the players and how it can affect sales.
• Completion of simple exercises on games localisation so that you can practise how to solve the challenges mentioned above, including translation of simple strings into English, or another target language, to get an idea of issues such as concatenation, lack of context, use of placeholders and variables, etc.
• Conclusion with a final discussion of the challenges encountered, and the creative solutions produced, by each participant.