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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

Dansez en français! *** Southampton/Hampshire schools and colleges ***

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Monday, 19 May, 2014 - 00:00 to Thursday, 31 July, 2014 - 00:00
Event Type: 
South East
Your school/college

This new cross-curricular project, funded by Routes into Languages South and delivered in your school or college, is a collaboration between the University of Southampton and a French native speaker dance champion and teacher.

The teacher will visit your school, normally accompanied by a University of Southampton student ambassador, and run a 90 minute workshop during which your students will learn the steps of dances they will have seen on 'Strictly'. At the same time they'll use the French language and French music. The workshop can be delivered as a dancing with partner activity or a line-dancing one.

'Dansez en français' is suitable for any year group but participants will need to have studied French for at least a year (a sheet with some useful expressions in French will be sent to participating schools before the workshop).

There is no charge for the session. However, schools/colleges will need to identify at least 20 participants (maximum group size is 30). A member of staff from participating schools/colleges will also need to be present to supervise the workshop.

'Danser en français' is initially available until the end of this school year.

For more information or to book a workshop, please email Zena Hilton.