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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

*CANCELLED* Learning Abroad: Intercultural Skills for Sixth Form

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Tuesday, 24 March, 2015 - 00:00
Event Type: 
West Midlands
Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham

Learning Abroad: Intercultural Skills for Sixth Form

Businesses are looking for people with communication, problem-solving and intercultural skills to match the global workplace; competencies you can acquire and develop by travelling abroad. Our new “Learning Abroad” conference provides sixth form students with the information, support and inspiration they need to go out and study, volunteer or work abroad as part of their studies.

Students will take part in a range of morning workshops providing them with intercultural training, information, guidance and advice, and the opportunity to hear from undergraduates from a range of different disciplines studying at local universities, who have benefited recently from a year, or short period, of work or study abroad. There will be an exhibition with displays from final year students and information stalls with representatives of local universities and organisations, during which refreshments will be available.

In the afternoon, motivational speakers from successful businesses will talk about the skills and experiences they gained from living abroad and how these have helped them over the course of their careers. The event will conclude with language and culture taster sessions in a range of Asian and European languages.

It is a common mistaken belief that only students studying a language at university have the chance to study abroad. One of our aims is to demonstrate that this is not the case. International experience is highly valued in all graduates in today’s global economy. For this reason, the event is open to all sixth form students of any subject. The benefits of attending the event are simple – students will discover opportunities that they might not have known were available to them. They will receive specific information about the going abroad process, as well as inspirational stories of how studying abroad has affected the lives of so many others.

This conference will start at 10.00am and end at 3.30pm on Tuesday 24th March 2015 and it is free to attend.  Please note that places are limited so early booking is advisable as all places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

Please use the form below to book or contact us at or on 0121 204 3872.


10.00 – 10.15

Introduction & Welcome

10.15 – 11.00

Workshop 1:

Group A: Student Ambassador Q&A

Group B: Intercultural Awareness

Group C: Debunking the Myths

11:05 – 11:10

Comfort break

11.10 -


Workshop 2:

Group A: Intercultural Awareness

Group B: Debunking the Myths

Group C:  Student Ambassador Q&A

11.55 – 12:00

Comfort break

12.00 – 12.45

Workshop 3:

Group A: Debunking the Myths

Group B: Student Ambassador Q&A

Group C:  Intercultural Awareness

12.45 – 1.35

Lunch and exhibition

1.35 – 2.20

 Guest speakers: "What I got from my Year Abroad"

2.20 – 2.25

Comfort break

2.25 – 3.15

Language & Culture Tasters

3.15 – 3.30

Evaluation and closing