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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

North West

Routes into Languages North West

Routes into Languages is a national project to encourage and enthuse young people to learn languages.

The programme has created a number of regional consortia, where universities are working together, along with schools and colleges, to promote language learning. The Routes North West consortium is led by Manchester Metropolitan University, in partnership with the University of Manchester, University of Central Lancashire and the University of Liverpool.

The Routes into Languages project offers events and initiatives that enthuse and motivate pupils to take up and continue with language learning. These include the Mother Tongue Other Tongue National competition, our Language League: Kick Off resources for teachers and pupils in French, Spanish, German & Arabic, Language Enrichment Events (Year 8 pupils); Film and Culture Events (Year 9 & 10); Essay Writing for Film (Year 12 & 13) and GCSE & A Level Days. INSET and CPD sessions for teachers are programmed throughout the year.

Key Contact

University of Liverpool

0151 794 5927

Events & Activities

We can't find any events for this area. Click below to see all current Routes events in other regions.

Latest News

31st October 2018
The French section of the Department of Languages, Information and Communications at Manchester... Read More
31st October 2018
Manchester Met's Sixth Form Languages Day which supported both pupils studying French and Spanish... Read More
31st October 2018
The Asian Media Awards ceremony took place at the Manchester Hilton Deansgate (Thursday... Read More