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The new Routes into Languages website is currently in development and will be launching in the new year!


Promoting the take-up of languages and student mobility

The European Apprentice

This event is fully booked
Monday, 27 June, 2016 - 09:30 to 14:30
Event Type: 
North East
Language Resource Centre, Newcastle University

Following the success of the annual Beat the Rat Race event, in a new joint venture, Europe Direct North East and Routes into Languages North East are delighted to launch a brand new one-day event aimed at Year 10 pupils: The European Apprentice.


  • To understand and use appropriate persuasive language as a marketing tool
  • To better understand application of languages in a commercial context


  • Listening and speaking skills
  • Teamwork
  • Research using interenet and social media video clips
  • Presentation skills
  • Entrepreneurship and development of understanding of the commercial world

School groups will visit the recently refurbished Newcastle University Language Resource Centre to take part in a competitive challenge to develop a marketing campaign in French, German or Spanish for an assigned product. Split into small teams, pupils will have to create and pitch their designs to industry representatives (featuring UKTI North East, Lexica Communications and Sanako UK) who will also offer support in terms of presenting marketing strategy and experience. Current students of languages will also be on board to assist pupils during the day.


Please be aware that the programme is currently provisional and may be subject to change.

0945                       Arrival & Registration

1000                       Icebreaker Challenge & "Marketing to the World" Presentations

Schools will be split into two groups and switch between each activity.

1050                       Introduction to the LRC and Research Tools

1100                       Break

1115                     Introductory Group Activity

Pupils split into small groups for an activity using printed adverts and video clips (according to language studied).

1200                       Lunch (provided free of charge)

1245                       Main Task: Marketing Campaign Development

Each team of pupils is assigned a “Routes” branded product and asked to develop a short advert to be presented as a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover in target language, with support from facilitators.

1345                       Presentation of Adverts

1415                       Feedback & Prize-giving

1430                       Departure

Booking information: 

Please register your interest using the links available. Places are available for either 5 or 10 pupils per school (assuming 1 accompanying teacher per 5 pupils) but please be aware that registration does not automatically guarantee attendance. The nature of the event means that places will be allocated to ensure an appropriate balance between the three languages studied (French, German and Spanish) and will only be fully confirmed following further correspondence with the Routes North East team. Please be sure to include details of the language(s) studied by your pupils in the 'Comments' section when registering. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation.